Monday, September 9, 2013

Unbelievable response from my G.P.

It's bad enough having to go through this horrible pain day in and day out. But to have a Doctor who acts like he doesn't really believe that what's happening to you is real, and then not return calls and constantly push out and reschedule my appts. it's just wearing on my spirit and draining my heart of any fight that's left in me.
I scheduled this appt. with him months ago, and his office has called and rescheduled it four times! This last time, they had no dates available for a reschedule! Now what right? So I call and leave a voicemail specifically for him (on his personal voicemail) explaining that I had been in the hospital and that the ER doctor told me that my clot potential was high and that I needed to get in to see him right away. I explained that it's extremely troublesome to try to schedule an emergency appt with him and not get to see him for months. I could be dead by the time I get in to see him for crying out loud!!
I don't hear from him for weeks! Then, when he does call me back, it's at 10:45 pm and he goes into a rant about how I need to stop or "slow down" on all the sports and "athletic teams" I have been involved with all summer. WTH??? I said WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO? He continued that I had told him I was very athletic yada yada yada. Oh my gosh! Really? I would NEVER have told you that because that would be a LIE! He asked me what did I go to the hospital for and I told him I was having trouble breathing and that the pain in my right arm was excruciating so they thought I had another P.E. which thank God I didn't HOWEVER, my D-dimer test was high. He then said "Oh, so we should do an X-ray of your shoulder then since you're having numbness and tingling. HUH??? I never said I had numbness and tingling! I told him, I am NOT having numbness and tingling, just sheer unrelenting pain! Sharp deep pain that's completely debilitating. I asked him (Does an X-ray show muscles and tendons?) He said no. So I said "Then what's the point of the X-ray? Obviously I don't have broken bones. I didn't injure we should probably consider an MRI or ultrasound to look at the tissue and muscle etc. right?" He said "Oh yeah...that's what I meant, we should do an MRI to check the muscles and tendons because this seems like an orthopedic thing you've got going on here." UGH! Why does it seem like he got his MD from a cereal box???? I just wish that I had a Doctor who actually gave a crap about me! One who was concerned and wanted to help me to get better. Partner with me and my other specialists to HELP ME! I can't do this all by myself! Why can I not get an appointment with my doctor when I have an emergency? This is rediculous! I guarantee you that he is the sole reason I am having issue with Social Security too! He's probably told them that I compete in triathalons and decathalons and stuff! It's like he has NO IDEA who I am! I told him I need a referral for the pulmonologist and the MRI for my shoulder. He said I'd have it to pick up on Tuesday. We shall see huh? I will be calling the site manager of the clinic Mrs. Clark and arranging an appt. to meet with her because she was supposed to have changed my G.P. way back when I had my P.E. and he screwed up on my blood thinners and results of my PT INR. I need answers!

1 comment:

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